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Architectural Thoughts. In order to design buildings with a sensuous connection to life, one must think in a way that goes far beyond form and construction.

Basic design II. Lines in three dimensional perspective.

Sketching in progress...

Urban strategy. 3D printed model of an urban design scheme for the infinite states project I have been developing over the past year. Fragments curated as illustrations from The Trial novel by Franz Kafka.

Newspaper blocks. Newspaper covered site model. Fragment experimentations through site model creation.

Ceramic model. A negative ceramic model of a rail track underground facade. Fallen apart into pieces.

Basic design. Folding and unfolding model exercise. Year 2007, when I first started my architectural journey. Material used: Coloured folders, Buttons and Plexiglass.

Joseph Cornell's face profile architectural ornament

Fabrics and textiles. Mesh model for the new ceramic workshop experience. The veil.

Labyrinth. Another sketch model for another ceramic workshop.

Bizarre architecture cross section

Fragments made of paper. Through thinking architecture you get to experience the most of it. It's not only about the physical side of it, it's about the sequence of events and thoughts. Our experience of an architectural experience is strongly influenced by our thoughts and intents.

Bizarre Architecture

Sketching in focus

A rendered view. Reflecting lights and shadows through the different parts of the building is an essential element to explain and showcase the transparency of the building.

Anti gravity

Sketch model. The old operating theatre. One of the best case studies I came across so far. The Old Operating Theatre, Museum & Herb Garret is a hidden gem. Others have called it “the strangest of museums” and New Scientist approvingly said: “a fascinating insight into the medical practices of the first half of the [19th] century”. Here is Britain’s oldest surviving operating theatre, rediscovered in the 1950s after lying forgotten for decades. Interesting.

Site model. Underground - Under bridge - Through the rail.

Ministry of tourism sketch

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